
Welcome to CBT Fit Snatched Waist (Metabolism Reset)

Please complete all items below within the next 2 days, so we can get you started promptly.

1. Everfit App - Set Up Your Account

Locate the invitation in your email (or text) and download the app.

Watch the Getting Started trainings in the app for various demos on how to use the app.

Feel free to upload a profile picture of yourself if you’d like.

After getting the app, please make sure you’re notifications are turned “On”.

Go to Everfit > You > Settings > Notifications > Push Notifications

2. Download Cronometer App

You’ll find your invitation to the app from Cronometer in your email.

Please set up your account and begin tracking your foods as of the date specified in your welcome email.

*This app is strictly for Nutrition Only

3. Take Your Progress Photos

Add the photos to the training app.

Women – A bikini is preferable.

Men – Swim wear is preferable (shirtless w/trunks or shorts)

The more skin shown, the better (just don’t reveal anything). If you are uncomfortable, be sure to wear fitted clothing instead.

PLEASE be certain your pictures are from head to toe with bright lighting.

After today, photos will be required every Sunday to track your physical progress. Please wear the same clothes, in the same area, with the same lighting.

4. Take measurements

Add your measurements into Everfit
(view Getting Started for how to enter them into the app).

Going forward, this will be a requirement every Sunday.
If you are unsure of where/how to measure points A and B for a particular body part, let me know.

5. Complete the Onboarding Questionnaire

Please be as thorough as possible in your answers. I will be using this, in addition to your photos, weight, and our initial conversation, to build your plan.

You will receive your plan within 5-7 days from the day I receive all completed steps above. All steps must be completed before I can begin building your plan.

Click the link below to complete the questionnaire👇🏽

6. Save This Number

Please save this number in your phone as this will be the best way to communicate going forward.

(443) 331-4454

You’re all set! Let’s Get Ready!

Once everything has been completed and submitted, I’ll be reaching out within the next day with a few things for you to begin doing, now, to prepare for your plan. 🙂💪🏽